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* Upload large attachments to simplify sharing and get around sender's and recipients' attachment size limitations
* Delete unwanted attachments - via the Recycle Bin so they can be recovered if necessary
* Save attachments - using a filename mask to control where attachments are saved
* Reduce Outlook's PST file size, improving speed and reliability and simplifying backups
* Access attachments blocked by Outlook (.exe, .chm, and more)
* Detach attachments, leaving a clickable hyperlink in place
* Retain the attachment icon on emails for sorting and display purposes
* Re-attach attachments when the email is forwarded, and manually
* Detect duplicate attachments to save space
* Compress attachments to save space
* Set detached attachments to Read-Only to prevent accidental deletion
* Automatically handle incoming attachments (detach, delete)
* Automatically handle outgoing attachments (detach, delete)

Also includes a FREE 10MB email attachment account at


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