Aim buddy icon stealer

AIM Buddy Icon Stealer

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AIM Buddy Icon Stealer is a brand new program for AOL Instant Messenger (AIM) that allows you to Steal Buddy Icons from all your AIM buddies.

That means you can have and use any of the icons they have used!

With Buddy Icon Stealer you can:

- View and save all Buddy Icons used in AIM
- Steal and use Buddy Icons used by your buddies
- Retrieve any buddy icons that you previously used in AIM
- Easily save the buddy icon files

With an extremely easy to use interface, anybody can easily use the Buddy Icon Stealer in a flash! The installation file is extremely small so you'll have it up and running in a matter of seconds!

This utility is a great tool for expanding your collection of buddy icons, playing pranks on your buddies by stealing their icons and maybe even annoying them a bit!

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