Free divx to avi converter

Free DIVX to AVI Converter

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The DIVX codec has gained immense popularity because it can compress videos and movies into very small sizes so that there is no restraint on space. However, the quality remains intact even after the compression. Though it has a number of advantages, the fact is that users require a DVD player in order to watch such videos files. In order to make it more convenient, the Free DIVX to AVI Converter can be used. As the name indicates, it is converter software that allows users to rip such disks in order to convert them to the more compatible AVI format. These then can be enjoyed on a number of platforms and portable devices. It is very useful for all those professionals who deal with multimedia files on a daily basis. One of the most important features of the software is that the quality of the resultant files is top class and users will find it similar to the source. There is no loss in this regard during the conversion. It has been so designed as to cater to a large number of people and

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